DarkNet Cyber Resilience investigates the impacts of cyber stress and its thresholds of impact on alternative timing signals for the US national energy grid.
Exascale Computing for the Stochastic Grid Dynamics of the US national energy transmission network is a part of the Exascale Computing Project to tap the world’s largest supercomputer to solve the nation’s energy grid problems.
North American Energy Resilience Model provides the next generation planning infrastructure for the US national energy grid using a cloud-based real-time, interoperable, and federated modeling, simulation, and visualization technology.
Discrete Event Modeling of the Electric Grid is a new non-equilibrium, transient analysis model and solver that is indispensable for new advancements in grids with high renewable penetration.
Our novel Digital Twin Framework (DTF) is designed to improve resilience of critical infrastructure systems by continuously comparing the infrastructure state with automatically generated, AI/ML-based, real-time digital-twin simulation of the system.
EGIVAC, System for Electric Grid Interactive Visualization, Animation, and Control, is one of the ground-breaking, feature-rich, large-scale visualizations of the US national energy grid.