Runtime Performance And Virtual Network Control Alternatives In VM-Based High-Fidelity Network Simulations


In prior work (Yoginath and Perumalla, 2011; Yoginath, Perumalla and Henz, 2012), the motivation, challenges and issues were articulated in favor of virtual time ordering of Virtual Machines (VMs) in network simulations hosted on multi-core machines. Two major components in the overall virtualization challenge are (1) virtual timeline establishment and scheduling of VMs, and (2) virtualization of inter-VM communication. Here, we extend prior work by presenting scaling results for the first component, with experiment results on up to 128 VMs schedule in virtual time order on a single 12-core host. We also explore the solution space of design alternatives for the second component, and present performance results from a multi-threaded, multi-queue implementation of inter-VM network control for synchronized execution with VM scheduling, incorporated in our NetWarp simulation system.

[Pub 126]

Kalyan Perumalla
Kalyan Perumalla

Kalyan Perumalla is Founder and President of Discrete Computing, Inc. He led advanced research and development at ORNL and holds senior faculty appointments at UTK, GT, and UNL.

