
Kalyan Perumalla is an R&D Manager with 25 years of experience. As a Federal Program Manager in Advanced Scientific Computing Research at the U.S. Dept. of Energy, Office of Science, Kalyan Perumalla manages a $100-million R&D portfolio covering AI, HPC, Quantum, SciDAC, and Basic Computer Science. He previously led advanced R&D as Distinguished Research Staff Member at the Oak Ridge National Laboratory (ORNL) developing scalable software and applications on the world’s largest supercomputers for 17 years, including as a line manager and a founding group leader. He has held senior faculty and adjunct appointments at UTK, GT, and UNL, and was an IAS Fellow at Durham University.

  • PhD, Computer Science

    Georgia Institute of Technology

  • MS, Computer Science

    University of Central Florida

  • BE, Mechanical Engineering

    Osmania University


Program Manager
Feb 2023 – Present Germantown, MD / Washington, DC, USA

Advanced Scientific Computing Research (ASCR)
Federal Program Manager with a diverse technical portfolio ($100+ million) covering

  • Quantum: Quantum Computing and Networking
  • AI: Artificial Intelligence
  • Supercomputing/HPC: High-Performance Computing
  • SciDAC: Scientific Discovery through Advanced Computing
  • Base: Basic Computer Science Research.

See Program Management Portfolio and Biography for additional details.

Salient Accomplishments
At ASCR, Dr. Perumalla has been fulfilling key roles across the launches and establishment of multiple programs. He helped establish a world-class quantum networking program at ASCR for advancing the science and technology in scalable quantum networking devices, architectures, and protocols. He helped launch investments in artificial intelligence through competitive funding opportunities to support national labs, universities, and commercial businesses. A new base program in computer science was launched with his involvement, combined with a restructuring of the applied mathematics base program. He also oversaw the Quantum Science Center, one of the National Quantum Information Science Research Centers, as well as two quantum computing testbeds. In a new recompetition phase for institutes in the SciDAC program, he was instrumental in the redefinition of the vision of institutes, accommodating a large number of critical factors in the changing landscape of high-end computing. He co-organized several PI meetings and basic research needs workshops to engage the national research communities in charting the course for next investment and identifying priority research directions and opportunities.

Aug 2022 – Feb 2023 Knoxville, Tennessee, USA
Founder and President of a seeded start-up focused on advanced computing solutions including high-performance heterogeneous computing software. Established as a legal corporation with local, county, state, and federal registrations including NAICS code declarations and CAGE number assignment.
Distinguished Research Staff Member
Apr 2014 – Jul 2022 Oak Ridge, Tennessee, USA
Computer Science and Mathematics Division and Computational Sciences and Engineering Division
Elevated to Band 5 in June 2014 (Band 6 = Corporate Fellow)
Responsibilities include initiation, planning and managing major research programs or projects; broad responsibility guided by unit goals, policies, procedures and strategy; exercise of considerable latitude in determining objectives and approach to work assignments; influences top management in determining unit goals and objectives; performance of work managed by results; development of new client relationships; management of full range of research services in most complex problems; competence with all standard and advanced equipment, systems, policies and work methods; maintenance of international reputation for knowledge in speciality; establishment of track record in pushing the edge of knowledge; advanced knowledge of wide range of principles, theories, professional competencies and research methods; advanced knowledge of other disciplines and functions; handling most complex, diverse and impactful problems with original solutions and integration/coordination of disciplines, functions and staff; application of considerable judgement and professional competency; and achievement and maintenance of reputation as key contributor to major programs; externally recognized expertise in one or more fields.
Joint Full Professor
Apr 2018 – Dec 2022 Knoxville, Tennessee, USA
Department of Industrial and Systems Engineering
Performing research, advising doctoral students, leading sponsored research projects
Adjunct Professor
Apr 2021 – Aug 2022 Omaha, Nebraska, USA
Adjunct Professor
Jan 2006 – Jul 2022 Atlanta, Georgia, USA
Jan 2015 – Mar 2015 Durham, UK

Institute of Advanced Study

Senior Research Staff Member
Apr 2010 – Mar 2014 Oak Ridge, Tennessee, USA
Research Staff Member
Aug 2005 – Mar 2010 Oak Ridge, Tennessee, USA
Research Faculty Member
Aug 2000 – Jul 2005 Atlanta, Georgia, USA
College of Computing
Advising graduate students, supervising research assistants, teaching senior undergraduate course, performing externally sponsored research, serving as co-PI on multiple projects, performing collaborative research within and outside Georgia Tech
Research Scientist
Jul 1997 – Jul 2000 Atlanta, Georgia, USA
College of Computing
Research in large-scale network modeling, high- performance simulation, compilers and Department of Defense (DoD) High Level Architecture (HLA) federations
Intern, Consultant
May 1995 – Aug 1996 Morristown and Red Bank, NJ, USA
Research internships in large-scale Internet modeling and simulation and formal specification for wired & wireless networks, modeling large ATM Private Network-Network Interface (PNNI) networks
Jun 1994 – Aug 1994 Tulsa, OK, USA
Research internship on design and development of network communication and visualization software for real-time data from oil exploration devices.
Simulation Software Developer
Jun 1992 – Jun 1993 Orlando, FL, USA
Team member in DoD Computer Generated Forces in distributed interactive (JSAF) battlefield simulation, developing intelligent behavior for simulated tanks & soldiers, investigating aggregation & disaggregation of entities
Graduate Teaching Assistant
Aug 1991 – May 1992 Orlando, FL, USA
Teaching sophomore-level computer programming class, preparing exams, grading exams and lab work

Management & Leadership

Program Manager, Computer Science
Feb 2023 – Present Germantown, MD, USA

Advanced Scientific Computing Research Program

  • Management of a large and diverse portfolio spanning high-performance computing (HPC)/supercomputing, artificial intelligence (AI), quantum computing and networking, basic computer science, and scientific discovery through advanced computing.
  • Oversight of multi-institutional, multi-year, multi-million-dollar projects led by expert researchers across national laboratories, universities, and industry.
  • Organization of large “basic research needs” workshops and “principal investigator (PI)” meetings.
  • Generation of research community-driven reports on priority research directions and opportunities.

See Program Management Portfolio

Group Leader, Discrete Computing Systems Group
Apr 2014 – Sep 2020 Oak Ridge, Tennessee, USA

Computer Science and Mathematics Division and Computational Sciences and Engineering Division

  • Founding and managing the group of research staff with advanced degrees
  • Formulating vision and mission; designing strategic plan, analysis of technical strengths, weaknesses, opportunites and threats
  • Maintaining human capital management plans
  • Personnel performance evaluations/appraisals and development plans
  • Promotion processes, salary recommendations
  • Budget preparation and tracking
  • Absence policies; time entry and accounting
  • Oversight of administrative assistants; interaction with human resources personnel
  • Incentivizing with avenues such as significant awards; sensitivity to legal, programmatic, personal, and technical considerations
  • Procurement and purchasing; travel and project approvals; ergonomics and safety compliance
  • Hosting visitors; recruitment, interviewing, and external representation; and other responsibilities.
Chair, ACM SIGSIM Group
Jul 2020 – Feb 2023 New York, NY, USA
Creativity and Innovation Team Lead
Aug 2015 – Sep 2015 Oak Ridge, Tennessee, USA
Computational Sciences and Engineering Division, Leading division-level team to investigate ways to significantly increase creativity and innovation in research and development. Team of 9 PhDs assigned to analyze and make recommendations to top management on increasing scientific creativity and innovation in the Computational Sciences and Engineering division consisting of 150 research staff, predominantly with PhD and Master’s degrees. Detailed recommendations presented to senior management of the laboratory.
Team Leader
Apr 2010 – Sep 2014 Oak Ridge, Tennessee, USA
Computational Sciences and Engineering Division, High Performance Discrete Computing Systems Team



  • Division’s Significant Technical Contribution Award, “in recognition of the most Significant Technical Contribution by Advancing the Field of Reversible Computing,” Computer Science and Mathematics Division, Oak Ridge National Laboratory, December 2017.
  • Division’s Best Publication Award, Computational Sciences and Engineering Division, Oak Ridge National Laboratory, July 2014.
  • Best Paper Award Winner, lead author, paper on Simulating Billion-Task Parallel Programs in the SCS Summer Simulation Conference, International Symposium on Performance Evaluation of Computer and Telecommunication Systems, July 2014.
  • Best Paper Award Finalist, co-author, paper on Efficiently Scheduling Multi-core Guest Virtual Machines on Multi-core Hosts in Network Simulation in the ACM/IEEE/SCS Workshop on Principles of Advanced and Distributed Simulation, July 2011.
  • Best Paper Award Finalist, lead author, paper on Reversible Parallel Discrete Event Execution of Large-scale Epidemic Outbreak Models in the ACM/IEEE/SCS Workshop on Principles of Advanced and Distributed Simulation, June 2010.
  • Best Paper Award Finalist, lead author, paper on Agent Simulations on Multi-GPU and Multi-Core Clusters in the ICST International Conference on Simulation Techniques and Tools, March 2010.
  • DOE Career Award Winner, FY 2010-2015, ReveR-SES: Reversible Software Systems, announced January 2010
    • One of the 69 selected from a national pool of over 2200 pre-proposals and over 1500 proposals
    • One of only two awarded in the inaugural year of the program (2010) to national laboratories for research in advanced scientific computing research.
  • Best Paper Award Winner, co-author, paper on Agent Simulations on GPUs in the SCS Spring Simulation Multi-Conference, April 2008.
  • Significant Event Award, “Largest and Fastest PDES Executions on the Blue Gene Supercomputer,” Oak Ridge National Laboratory, September 2007, recognized by the Associate Laboratory Director (Thomas Zacharia).
  • Best Project Poster Winner, member of team led by John Stovall in the “Electric Grid Real-time Monitoring & Visualization” project, among Oak Ridge National Laboratory-Directed R&D projects of 2003-2006, November 2006, recognized by the Laboratory Director (Jeffrey Wadsworth).
  • Best Paper Award Winner, co-author, paper on Plasma Simulations in the ACM/IEEE/SCS Workshop on Parallel & Distributed Simulation, June 2005.
  • Best Paper Award Winner, co-author, paper on Updateable Simulation in the ACM/IEEE/SCS Workshop on Parallel & Distributed Simulation, May 2002.
  • Best Paper Award Winner, co-author, paper on Reverse Computation in the ACM/IEEE/SCS Workshop on Parallel & Distributed Simulation, May 1999.
  • Contest Winning Teams and Honorable Mentions, Programming team coach, Georgia Tech: Coached ACM programming teams 1993-2000. Teams placed 1st among 60-70 teams in ACM Southeast Regional Programming Contests in 1994, 1998 and 1999. Team placed 10th in 1995 World Finals. Teams placed 1st in IBM Java Challenge 1999 and 2000.
  • Programming team member, University of Central Florida: Team placed 2nd in the ACM Southeast Regional Programming Contest, 1992.

Award Nominations

  • R&D100 Award Finalist, “HELICS: Hierarchical Engine for Large-scale Infrastructure Co-Simulation,” with other DOE labs led by PNNL, April 2019.
  • UT-Battelle Awards Night, nominated four consecutive years (2010-2013) as the best division-level candidate from the Computational Sciences and Engineering Division (out of ~150 research staff members), Oak Ridge National Laboratory, in the category of scientific research.


Certified SAFe 5 Practitioner
Certified SAFe 5 Practitioner #kvOoNk7A
SAFe Badge
Certified Scrum@Scale Practitioner
Certified Scrum@Scale Practitioner; Training by Jeff Sutherland; Houston, TX
Certified Scrum Product Owner
Certified Scrum Product Owner #000755061; Training by Jeff Sutherland; Boston, MA
Certified ScrumMaster
Certified ScrumMaster #000755061; Training by Joe Justice; New York, NY
CSM Seal