Scientific Enablers of Quantum Communications


LAB 23-3040: Funding opportunity solicitation in the Quantum Networking program; $24 million over 3 years (FY24-27); PM Kalyan Perumalla


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The U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) Office of Science (SC) program in Advanced Scientific Computing Research (ASCR) announces its interest in receiving proposals from DOE National Laboratories to advance scientific understanding of the fundamental elements needed to enable novel capabilities for the Nation in quantum communications.

ASCR envisions DOE National Laboratories and User Facilities that exchange quantum information acquired by quantum sensors, analyzed by quantum computers, and shared among collaborative scientific experiments. This research infrastructure would connect distributed quantum computers that simulate complex scientific processes inaccessible to computational platforms of today, integrate quantum sensors that promise measurements of unprecedented precision, and address previously inaccessible scientific questions of importance across the DOE SC programs.

Exploitation of the principles of quantum physics that offer scientific discovery unreachable through classical approaches demands fundamental advances that transmit qubits over long distances, control their route, detect and correct errors, and interface with peer quantum devices. ASCR is seeking proposals for research into quantum networking devices that could become components of quantum network repeaters, associated error correction and mitigation techniques, and quantum network architecture, stack and communication protocols.

The proposed research must lead to advances in quantum networking that can accommodate increasing numbers of end point connections and increasing ranges, from small research teams to large research collaborations, and from local to regional to national distances. ASCR envisions local quantum networks that connect quantum-enabled research infrastructure, which may scale to become part of a future quantum internet that connects DOE SC User Facilities with each other and with remote quantum-enabled research infrastructure, to accelerate scientific discovery.

Kalyan Perumalla
Kalyan Perumalla
R&D Manager

Kalyan Perumalla is an R&D Manager with 25 years of experience. As a Federal Program Manager in Advanced Scientific Computing Research at the U.S. Dept. of Energy, Office of Science, Kalyan Perumalla manages a $100-million R&D portfolio covering AI, HPC, Quantum, SciDAC, and Basic Computer Science. He previously led advanced R&D as Distinguished Research Staff Member at the Oak Ridge National Laboratory (ORNL) developing scalable software and applications on the world’s largest supercomputers for 17 years, including as a line manager and a founding group leader. He has held senior faculty and adjunct appointments at UTK, GT, and UNL, and was an IAS Fellow at Durham University.

