GPU-based Real-Time Execution of Vehicular Mobility Models in Large-Scale Road Network Scenarios


A methodology and its associated algorithms are presented for mapping a novel, field-based vehicular mobility model onto graphical processing unit computational platform for simulating mobility in large-scale road networks. Of particular focus is the achievement of real-time execution, on desktop platforms, of vehicular mobility on road networks comprised of millions of nodes and links, and multi-million counts of simultaneously active vehicles. The methodology is realized in a system called GARFIELD, whose implementation details and performance study are described. The runtime characteristics of a prototype implementation are presented that show real-time performance in simulations of networks at the scale of a few states of the US road networks.

Proceedings of International Workshop on Principles of Advanced and Distributed Simulation

[Pub 100]

Kalyan Perumalla
Kalyan Perumalla

Kalyan Perumalla is Founder and President of Discrete Computing, Inc. He led advanced research and development at ORNL and holds senior faculty appointments at UTK, GT, and UNL.

