Programming Teams

My associations in programming contests – team members I coached at Georgia Tech, and my own coach when I was a team member at UCF

My Coach

David Van Brackle

Aug 1991 - May 1993
University of Central Florida)
Now: Contest Chief Judge (multiple years)
ICPC Page | ACM Intercollegiate Programming Contest Coach - Southeast Regionals

My own coach at the University of Central Florida (UCF) was David Van Brackle. UCF is well known in the US Southeast Region as nearly always at the top in ACM Intercollegiate Programming Contests. Our faculty advisor was Dr. Ali Orooji. My team placed 2nd and 8th in the Southeast Region in 1991 and 1992, respectively.

After completing my Master’s, I moved from UCF to Georgia Tech for my PhD work, where I started coaching the Georgia Tech teams and took them to a few top spots (Southeast Regional toppers, finalists, and to two World Finals contests in Nashville, USA and Eindhoven, Netherlands). After a few years of coaching the Georgia Tech teams, I had to stop coaching to focus on my PhD research. At that time, David was in Atlanta, and I invited him to take over as the Georgia Tech coach, which he did and took them to great heights.

Members I Coached

Below are a few great programmers who happened to be in the teams I coached at Georgia Tech.

Vu Pham

Jan 1995 - Jan 1998
Georgia Institute of Technology
Now: Data Science Consultant
Chameleon Collective
ACM Intercollegiate Programming Contest - Regionals and World Finals (Eindhoven)

Peter Lindstrom

Jan 1995 - May 1995
Georgia Institute of Technology
Now: Computer Scientist
Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory
ACM Intercollegiate Programming Contest - Regionals and World Finals (Nashville)

Brian McNamara

Jan 1995 - May 1995
Georgia Institute of Technology
ACM Intercollegiate Programming Contest - Regionals and World Finals (Nashville)

Corey Rhoden

Jan 1995 - May 1995
Georgia Institute of Technology
ACM Intercollegiate Programming Contest - Regionals and World Finals (Nashville)

David Minnen

Jan 1996 - Aug 1997
Georgia Institute of Technology
Now: Software Engineer
ACM Intercollegiate Programming Contest - Regionals and World Finals (Eindhoven)
